
"You can be gorgeous at thirty, charming at forty, and irresistible for the rest of your life." ~Coco Chanel

Thursday, March 10, 2016

My life for the past couple of months have been a constant on the go.  I've done a lot of exciting things but really have not had a day to relax and rejuvenate.  Tuesday I was grumpy, I felt myself losing my patience.  I didn't get into town late Monday evening, had no food and my pups were still at the kennel, I couldn't pick them up until Tuesday.  I miss them terribly and had guilt that they were stuck at the kennel for another night.  Work has been busy lately so I was anticipating a busy day on Tuesday.  As I worked through Tuesday I couldn't shake off my grumpiness, I told one of my coworkers I needed a time out.  There was another coworker who picked up extra, walked into PICU with doughnuts in hand with a smile on her face.  I asked her, you brought doughnuts and you are working extra?  She replied, "yes, it's been busy and we need doughnuts when it's busy."  I thought dang she's working extra and she's got a generous attitude, I admired her for it, and wished my grumpiness would go away.  I ate a doughnut hoping it would rid of my bad attitude, nope it didn't work.  I look around and have such admiration for my coworkers, they are hard working, team players and so eager to learn in the mist of stress and heavy loads.  

I had a conversation with a locum physician, who by the way reminds of Dr. Napa, he wanted to talk to me for a few minutes.  I thought oh crap what did I do??? It turns out he just wanted my opinion and thoughts on things.  This conversation turned a different direction and he reminded me of something very important, we need to have different outlets so we can enjoy our professional lives.  I realized I lost my focus, I was so worried that I was going to have to do it all, and a lot of times I put that pressure on myself and it makes me grumpy.  It's funny how things work out, and like I've said I love how God works. This physician was giving great wisdom like Napa would do. I told him I was going to call him Napa #2.  

I love my profession, but I need to remember that I need to take time to do the things I enjoy.  A wise women once told me, "Melissa we can do a lot but we can't do it all."  I might need to plaster that on my office wall.  I work with amazing people, I love watching the PICU nurses grow and become strong nurses, at times when I observe them interacting with staff, patients, and their families it makes my heart swell.  

I will also take time to do things I enjoy so I can "keep calm and carry on," and I hope you will do the same.

Photo credit: Sparrow & Bean Studios


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